Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Arroz Con Leche is a melody, too

I didn't grow up eating a ton of Arroz Con Leche, but both my mom and grandmother raised me on the song. I was raised on version #3, and it has been burned on my brain since I was a very little girl:

Arroz con leche me quiero casar
con una señorita de San Nicolás
Que sepa coser
Que sepa bordar
Que sepa habrir la puerta para ir a jugar

Con ésta sí
con ésta no
con esta señorita me caso yo!


Rice pudding I want to be married
To a young lady from San Nicolas
Who knows how to sew
Who knows how to knit
Who knows how to open the door to go out to play

This one I will
This one I won't
This young lady will I marry (soon).

In retrospect, the lyrics are ridiculous. They just sound better in Spanish. (You'll have to take my word for it.)

Last night I made Arroz con Leche (rice pudding) for the very first time. I followed the recipe I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, using whole organic goat milk instead of cow's milk. I halved the recipe, and therefore I was sure I could shave a few minutes off of the cooking time. Not the case. I sampled it after about 40 minutes, and then kept stirring for another 20. After a full hour, the arroz con leche was perfect. Smooth, creamy, comforting on a cold Tuesday night.

I cannot wait to make it again.