If I have eaten at Phil's before today, I don't remember. It's next door to the overrated Amy's Ice Cream, which tends to be overpriced and overrun with sticky kids. (Even their web site gives me a headache.) There isn't anything terribly special about Phil's; it's a typical burger-and-fries diner-style establishment, replete with giant hand-written menus on chalkboard and an old-fashioned photo booth.
Maybe they've switched food suppliers since my last visit. Maybe I wasn't paying attention when I was previously there. Or maybe, just maybe, I only think I've been there before. Because today's lunch was pretty memorable. A mini burger sampler (all served on sweet kolache bread), a sweet potato/regular potato fry combo and a soda -- not the kind of meal you'd have when you're supposed to be *cough* dieting *cough*, but my coworker's and I agree Phil's rivals some of Austin's most notorious burger joints.
I suspect I'll make my way back, and maybe next time I'll save room for ice cream.

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